Tang Hall Update


As no new Covid restrictions have been put into place things are starting to get back to normal in Tang Hall.

We currently have a Junior Youth Group running at Tang Hall Community Centre on Tuesdays 5.30-6.30pm, for young people in Years 6 to 10.  This group is free to attend and we offer a range of activities such as baking, art and crafts, Anime, painting, tie dyeing, slime, card and board games, fitness and sports or just a place to chill with friends.  Young people are encouraged to be involved in planning so we keep up with their interests. Drinks and snacks – fruit, biscuits, juice, toast, hot chocolate – are also available.

A place to call in for a chat with Youth workers or trusted adults is Burnholme Library (café area) on Thursdays between 6 and 7pm.  Come in out of the cold and find out more about activities on offer - photography, film making, sports, food based sessions and more.  Hot chocolate and snacks may be available.

We currently have a film project about growing up in the area, with young people at the centre of the project giving their views and ideas, lots of ways to be a part of this great project.

A short forensic session is planned so young people can get involved and understand the science used in solving crimes

We have a growing/gardening group where we have grown a variety of plants and vegetables at the Community Centre.   We are also working with TVC and St Nicks running a Young Rangers group in Hull Road Park. 

Staff carry out regular detached work in the area, walking around the area chatting to young people, getting their views and responding to their needs and interests, particularly in the parks and green spaces.

For more information, get in touch with Sue Shooter on 07398149491, [email protected], follow SueNYY on Facebook or NYYSue on Instagram