NYY Youth Volunteer Project


NYY Youth Volunteer Project - Volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do whilst also enabling you to meet new people, gain skills and experience, and have fun!  Are you aged 14-25yrs and interested in finding out more, then please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinators. The project is very flexible, you can volunteer on a regular basis or just for one-off events, just complete our application form giving us your interests and availability and we will work with you to find, and set up a volunteering opportunity.


Businesses and Organisations - We are always looking for new and exciting placements for young people, could you support young people’s learning and life experiences by providing a volunteering opportunity? Our Youth Volunteer Co-Ordinators, can support you to ensure everything is in place to provide a safe, positive and productive placement, please contact us to discuss further.


Your Youth Volunteer Co-Ordinators are:

• Hambleton Area - Sally Clifford 07500 787 620 [email protected] • Harrogate Area - Rachel Rabjohns 07500 787 621 [email protected] Selby Area •  Charlotte Keable 07825659425 [email protected]