Bring the past alive! North Yorkshire Youth is proud to be invoved in a new iniatiative by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). called Kick the Dust A succesful bid to HLF by IVE, based in Leeds, called IGNITE has brought six partners together from across the region to give young people the chance to try something 'old'. The aim of the project is to give young people the opportunity to try something for the first time. It might be building a wall, making a spindle or even a bit of wood carving. All done in the traditional way. Expert tuition and add into the mix the outdoors will create a perfect way for young people to explore their past in a fun and interactive way.
The project also wants feedback so the sessions will include time to let us know what they thought of it.
- Was it fun?
- Do you want to try something else?
- How might we get your friends here to try it?
All of which will then help shape the project going forward.
It is hoped that through these taster sessions and the feeedback provide we can continue the work with a longer term grant from the Hertiage Lottery.