Greatwood Youth Club - Skipton


During Lockdown we have been doing Virtual youth club on ZOOM which has been great fun!  We’ve played lots of games, quizzes and learnt new skills too. Now we are back out on the streets doing detached youth work -  Kirsty and Jo are out and about on a Tuesday evening on Greatwood Estate, and Laura and Jo are at the Skate Park in Aireville Park on a Wednesday after school. On our travels we’ve talked to lots of young people – some we already know from youth club and some new ones too.   We’ve had some really lovely positive conversations and, on the whole, we were pleased to see that most young people are in small groups, will social distance and have their masks ready to wear when it gets crowded or they go into shops.  Well done everyone! As nights get colder and darker we might look at doing some more virtual youth clubs and will be looking for new ideas for our sessions, so let us know what you’d like to do!  Email [email protected] or check out Greatwood Youthclub on Facebook.