Chat n Chill

Chat and Chill

The success of our weekly chat n chill sessions on a Thursday continues! The sessions were set up following Time to Talk day on the 4th February, and have been every Thursday 6-7pm since. They focus on well-being and mindfulness.
A need was identified for young people to have a consistent safe space online, whilst at home, to chat amongst their peers with the support of two members of staff to guide the session. This past year has taught us all the importance of ‘checking in’ regularly on our family and friends, and young people can’t be overseen too. We often forget to look after ourselves in the midst of everything going on. We charge our phone everyday, so we need to charge ourselves everyday too! Just having an hour a week to chat and check in how we are feeling, has been beneficial for the young people in the group, and to know they are not alone.
We have recently focused on creating a self-soothe box, mental decluttering, miracle morning approach, law of attraction and the relationship between colours and emotions. All of which, can be applied outside of the group. The young people have really enjoyed the creative aspect to the group, and as result, two young people have led an activity on origami and how to make a fortune teller out of paper. We always welcome creative abilities! The chat n chill group is via Zoom, for 11-19 year olds. If you don’t feel confident to speak or show your face on camera, it is fine to type in the chat! Please email [email protected] for more information about the sessions, and for the zoom link if you think it’s something you are interested in.