Panda Gledhill

Panda Gledhill

Youth Work Manager

Date Started: Feb 2017

Responsibilities: I help volunteers set up and keep running open access youth provision. I support the direct delivery/hybrid clubs in Northallerton, Stokesley and Bedale. I look after our NYY Buddies in Hambleton and match them with young people who need a little extra support. I am an NYY LGBT+ Champion. I also sit on the North Yorkshire Positive Communities Steering Group.

Favourite part of your job: I love it all! But I do like discovering new places in Hambleton and seeing what the young people there like to do – every single club is different and I love that!

Hobbies/Interest: I like walking, reading, litter picking and I love cooking and eating vegan food! I am a crafter and a lover of all things recycled! I volunteer as a town councillor and help run the youth council and climate change group.